
Micro Organisms

Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, intestinal aerobes and anaerobes


14 days


Important: Therapy

  • For full guidelines see British Association of Sexual Health and HIV  
  • Send blood for culture if pyrexial.
  • If STD is suspected patients should be referred to Sexual Health Service (0345 337 9900) for partner notification and advice if required.

Samples: self obtained low vaginal swab or endocervical swab.

Consider immune deficiency and testing for HIV.


Inpatient regimen

Important: Therapy

Refer to BASSH guideline

Please note IV Doxycycline is not routinely available in the UK.


Inpatient regimen - penicillin allergy

Important: Therapy

Refer to BASHH guideline


Outpatient regimen - penicillin allergy

Important: Therapy

Refer to BASHH guideline


Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 05/10/2023

Next review date: 05/02/2024

Author(s): Antimicrobial Pharmacists.

Version: 1

Author email(s): gram.antibioticpharmacists@nhs.scot.

Approved By: Core Antimicrobial Management Team

Reviewer name(s): Chair of Antimicrobial Management Team.

Document Id: AMT_Emp_Hosp_PID