Changes to antimicrobial susceptibility reporting from microbiology laboratory from 3rd May 2022

Reporting of antimicrobial susceptibility testing results from microbiology laboratories is changing in line with new European (EUCAST) recommendations.    Antibiotic susceptibility will be reported as I as well as the more familiar S and R.   Antibiotics reported as I are effective treatment options when given at higher dose and should not be avoided.    The new definitions of these are listed below


Susceptible at standard dose


Susceptible, at Increased exposure/increased dose


Resistant even with increased exposure/dose

Many reports will be unchanged but below are the situations you are more likely to see I reported or a comment indicating high dose should be used.


Agents affected


Pseudomonas aeruginosa




Please consider whether treatment is required if reported from a non-sterile site

Haemophilus influenzae

Oral (not IV) amoxicillin

Oral (not IV) co-amoxiclav

Streptococcus sp


High dose already in routine use



Protected antibiotic

Please avoid using this agent if another can be safely used.

Dosing of topical agents is largely unaffected by this change.  Refer to and for dosing guidance.


Dose recommended for adults with normal renal/hepatic function where antibiotic reported as I

Amoxicillin Oral

1g 8 hourly

Amoxicillin IV

2g 4 hourly

Aztreonam IV

2g 6 hourly

Benzylpenicillin IV

Up to 2.4g 4 hourly

Minimum doses required according to source and MIC will be specified on reports

Cefuroxime IV

1.5 g 8 hourly

Ceftazidime IV

2 g 8 hourly

Ceftriaxone IV

2g 12 hourly or 4g daily

Ciprofloxacin IV

400mg 8 hourly

Ciprofloxacin Oral

750mg 12 hourly


500mg 12 hourly

Clindamycin Oral/IV

Discuss with microbiologist

Co-amoxiclav Oral

Co-amoxiclav 625mg 8 hourly + Amoxicillin 500mg 8 hourly

Co-trimoxazole IV/Oral

1440mg 12 hourly excludes UTI: 960mg 12 hourly

Doxycycline Oral

200mg daily

Fluconazole IV/oral

800mg daily

Levofloxacin IV/oral

500mg 12 hourly

Meropenem IV

2g 8 hourly

Piperacillin 4g/tazobactam 500mg IV

4.5g 6 hourly

3 hour infusion with loading dose recommended in critical illness

Temocillin IV

2 g 8 hourly

 Dosing of topical agents is largely unaffected by this change.  Refer to and for dosing guidance.