Establishing rapport

Tap each title to expand. Work through each section in numerical order

1. What is rapport?

What is rapport?
  • Rapport is when a person trusts you and feels that you understand their needs.
You need to build rapport by demonstrating:
  • Your non-judgemental acceptance of the person
  • That you are genuine and trustworthy
  • That you can empathetically put yourself in their shoes
  • You need rapport with a person so that they share the information that you need to help them
Establishing rapport
  • Your body language is important in demonstrating your acceptance, genuineness and empathy.
  • A positive body language can help to put the person at ease and make it easier for them to engage with you
    • It can help to establish rapport

2. What is positive body language?

What is body positive language? From top to bottom Image 1 of 5 Person sitting cross-legged. Point 1 of 5 A relaxed posture. Image 2 of 5 Hands holding a heart. Point 2 of 5 A warm and relaxing style. Image 3 of 5 Talking head. Point 3 of 5 Lean in slightly whilst the person is speaking. Image 4 of 5 Person with their arms folded. Point 4 of 5 Don't cross your arms. Image 5 of 5 Person with a speech bubble behind a computer. Point 5 of 5 Keep your head up and make eye contact (it is especially important to remember this if you are using a computer taking notes).

3. Video

Please watch this video by Eleanor Shakiba : What is rapport? (Duration 2min 57s)


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