Tap each title to expand. Work through each section in numerical order

1. Teachback

Ask the person to explain in their own words or “teachback”  the instruction or information you have given them. But don’t do this so they feel like they are being tested or feel under pressure. 

“So that I know I have explained everything correctly, can you tell me in your own words what we have discussed?”

In this video (Duration 1min 44s) set in a public library, Andrew has concerns about paying bills. Preedi makes an appointment for him with a money welfare advisor. Notice how she uses teachback to ensure Andrew understands what to do.  

2. Your role

In your role as a trusted information provider, you can use Teachback to confirm that the person has understood the recommendations you have made.For example, which websites to visit, how to contact support groups or access welfare advice and how to get back in touch for extra support. This video demonstrates how to use the Teachback technique during a Zoom call and shows a role play with Karen, a library user and a librarian. Karen has recently been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and wants information about the condition. She has asked the librarian to suggest where she can get information about diet and exercise to manage her diabetes and she is interested in finding a local support group. Jeanette, the Librarian contacts Karen via a Zoom video call they have arranged. Prior to this, Jeanette has checked that Karen has downloaded the Zoom app and can successfully join a Zoom meeting.

Thanks to North Ayrshire Library Services for creating this video (Duration 11min 23s).

3. Return to the previous page
