1. Scottish Government, (2014) Making it Easy, A Health Literacy Action Plan for Scotland https://www.gov.scot/publications/making-easy/​ Go to website

2. World Health Organization. Regional Office for South-East Asia. (‎2015)‎. Health literacy toolkit for low- and middle-income countries : A series of information sheets to empower communities and strengthen health systems. https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/205244Go to website

3. Patient Information Forum, (2020) Health Literacy Matters infographic https://pifonline.org.uk/download/file/521/​ Go to website

4. Rowlands, G et al (2015). A mismatch between population health literacy and the complexity of health information: an observational study, British Journal of General Practice 65(635): e379-e386 https://bjgp.org/content/65/635/e379Go to website

5. Berkman ND, Sheridan SL, Donahue KE, Halpern DJ, Crotty K. Low health literacy and health outcomes: an updated systematic review. Ann Internal Medicine 2011; 155: 97-107 ​https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21768583/ Go to website

6. DeWalt DA, Berkman ND, Sheridan S, Lohr KN, Pignone MP 2004. Literacy and Health Outcomes. A Systematic review of the Literature. Journal of Internal Medicine 19: 1228-1239 http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/ cgi-bin/fulltext/118783767/PDFSTARTGo to website

7. Chief Medical Officer (2022/2023) Realistic Medicine Annual Report : doing the right thing. https://realisticmedicine.scot/cmo-annual-reports/ Go to website

8. Scottish Government, (2017) Making it Easier, A Health Literacy Action Plan for Scotland https://www.gov.scot/publications/making-easier-health-literacy-action-plan-scotland-2017-2025/ Go to website

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