Tools and techniques to support Words for Wellbeing

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1. Using writing to support words for wellbeing

You might consider using the following writing exercises to support your words for wellbeing sessions.

Writing can help people to express and reflect on their feelings and thoughts.  This helps to bring self-awareness and healing.

Writing exercises can take the form of letters, poems and journalling.

Workbook Workbook Exercise

Workbook exercise (3): Journalling

This exercise takes you through the journalling process:

  • Select a story or poem that means something to you.
  • Highlight one or two passages that particularly struck a chord. Write down how they made you feel, and possible reasons why the passages resonated with you.
  • What does this tell you about yourself?

2. Writing poetry as therapy

  • Writing poetry helps us to express our emotions.
  • Releasing emotions has a calming effect and enables us to move forward.
  • Acknowledging our emotions helps us to be true to ourselves, which boosts self-esteem.

Workbook Workbook Exercise

Workbook exercise (4)
  • Name an emotion you are feeling just now . This might be around your fears, losses or dreams.
  • Write a four line stanza to describe your feeling. Sometimes an image is the best way to do this.

3. Personal storytelling

Developing and sharing personal stories  can help wih mental health recovery. Stories allow us to articulate our experiences over time and reflect on our journey with its ups and downs.  Sharing stories can help others experiencing similar challenges.

Some key prompts to help people to tell their stories are:

  • How would you describe your journey so far?
  • What gives you hope?
  • What makes you feel well?
  • Can you pinpoint your first step in recovery?
  • What other turning points have you experienced?
  • Who is with you on the journey?
  • What keeps you on the journey?

The Scottish Recovery Network Go to website provides guidance, tools and templates to help people to articulate their stories.

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