Ethical framework

Some core ethical principles underpin your interaction with people in matters related to their health and wellbeing.  These principles provide a basis for defining boundaries:

The six principles are:Left to right Image 1 of 6 Two hands clasped together Principle 1 of 6 being trustworthy, Image 2 of 6 Raised fist Principle 2 of 6 autonomy, Image 3 of 6 Thumbs up with stars above Principle 3 of 6 doing good, Image 4 of 6 Palm of hand up with stop sign in the foreground Principle 4 of 6 avoiding harm, Image 5 of 6 Four hands linking holding forearms Principle 5 of 6 equality, Image 6 of 6 Three hands up with hearts in their palms Principle 6 of 6 self-respect.

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