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  5. Common obstetric problems, intrapartum labour ward
  6. Induction of Labour (562)
Announcements and latest updates

Right Decision Service newsletter: April 2024

Welcome to the Right Decision Service (RDS) newsletter for April 2024. 

Issues with RDS and Umbraco access

Tactuum has been working hard to address the issues experienced during the last week. They have identified a series of three mitigation measures and put the first of these in place on Friday 3rd May.  If this does not resolve the problems, the second mitigation will be actioned, and then the third if necessary.

Please keep a lookout for any slowing down of the system or getting locked out. Please email myself, and if you experience any problems, and also please raise an urgent support ticket via the Support Portal.

Thank you for your patience and understanding while we achieve a full resolution.

Promotion and communication resources

A rotating carousel presenting some of the key RDS tools and capabilities, and an editable slideset, are now available in the Resources for RDS providers section of the Learning and Support toolkit.

Redesign and improvements to RDS

The redesign of RDS Search and Browse is still on-track for delivery by mid-June 2024. We then plan to have a 3-week user acceptance testing phase before release to live. All editors and toolkit owners on this mailing list will be invited to participate in the UAT.

The archiving and version control functionality is also progressing well and we will advise on timescales for user acceptance testing shortly.

Tactuum is also progressing with the deep linking to individual toolkits within the mobile RDS app. There are several unknowns around the time and effort required for this work, which will only become clear as the work progresses. So we need to be careful to protect budget for this purpose.

New feature requests

These have all been compiled and effort estimated. Once the redesign work is complete, these will be prioritised in line with the remaining budget. We expect this to take place around late June.


Many thanks to those of you completed the value and impact survey we distributed in February. Here are some key findings from the 65 responses we received.

Figure 1: Impact of RDS on direct delivery of care

Key figures

  • 93% say that RDS has improved evidence-informed practice (high impact 62%; some impact 31%)
  • 91% report that RDS has improved consistency in practice (high impact 65%, some impact 26%)
  • 85% say that RDS has improved patient safety (high impact 59%, some impact 26%)
  • Although shared decision-making tools are only a recent addition to RDS, and only represent a small proportion of the current toolset, 85% of respondents still said that RDS had delivered impact in this area (53% high impact, 32% some impact.) 92% anticipate that RDS will deliver impact on shared decision-making in future and 85% believe it will improve delivery of personalised care in future.

Figure 2 shows RDS impact to date on delivery of health and care services


Key figures

These data show how RDS is already contributing to NHS reform priorities and supporting delivery of more sustainable care.

Saving time and money

  • RDS clearly has a strong impact on saving practitioner time, with 90% of respondents reporting that this is the case. 65% say it has a high impact; 25% say it has some impact on time-saving.
  • It supports devolved decision-making across the multi-professional team (85% of respondents)
  • 76% of respondents confirm that it saves money compared, for example, to investing in commercial apps (54% high impact; 22% some impact.)
  • 72% believe it has impacted already on saving money and reducing waste in the way services are delivered – e.g. reducing costs of referral management, prescribing, admissions.

Quality assurance and governance

  • RDS leads are clear that RDS has improved local governance of guidelines, with 87% confirming that this is the case. (62% high impact; 25% some impact.)

Service innovation and workforce development

  • RDS is a major driver for service innovation and improvement (83% of respondents) and has impacted significantly on workforce knowledge and skills (92% of respondents – 66% high impact; 26% some impact).

New toolkits

A few examples of toolkits published to live in the last month:

Toolkits in development

Some of the toolkits the RDS team is currently working on:

  • SARCS (Sexual Assault Response Coordination Service)
  • Staffing method framework – Care Inspectorate.
  • SIGN 171 - Diabetes in pregnancy
  • SIGN 158 – British Guideline on Management of Asthma. Selected sections will be incorporated into the RDS, and complemented by a new chronic asthma pathway being developed by SIGN, British Thoracic Society and NICE.
  • Clinical pathways from NHS Fife and NHS Lanarkshire

Please contact if you would like to learn more about a toolkit. The RDS team will put you in touch with the relevant toolkit lead.

Quality audit of RDS toolkits

Thanks to all of you who have responded to the retrospective quality audit survey and to the follow up questions.  We still have some following up to do, and to work with owners of a further 23 toolkits to complete responses. An interim report is being presented to the HIS Quality and Performance Committee.

Implementation projects

Eight clinical services and two public library services are undertaking tests of change to implement the Being a partner in my care app. This app aims to support patients and the public to become active participants in Realistic Medicine. It has a strong focus on personalised, person-centred care and a library of shared decision aids, as well as simple explanations and videoclips to help the public to understand the aims of Realistic Medicine.  The tests of change will inform guidance and an implementation model around wider adoption and spread of the app.

With kind regards

Right Decision Service team

Healthcare Improvement Scotland

Induction of Labour (562)



Induction of labour for Primigravida and Parous Women (excluding those with previous CS)

Please report any inaccuracies or issues with this guideline using our online form

The process of induction should only be considered when vaginal delivery is felt to be an option for delivery.  A Consultant Obstetrician should be involved in the decision making in induction of all high risk pregnancies. 

Some inductions are triggered by clinical events such as decreased fetal movements, PPROM, SROM> 36 + 6 WEEKS. See relevant guidelines.

Uncomplicated pregnancies should be offered induction of labour between 41+ 0 and 42 + 0 weeks (i.e. T+7 and T+14).

A membrane sweep should be offered – see separate guideline.

From 42 weeks, women who decline induction of labour should be offered increased antenatal monitoring consisting of at least twice – weekly cardiotocography and ultrasound estimation of maximum amniotic pool depth.   

Maternal request:

Induction of labour should not routinely be offered on maternal request alone. However, under exceptional circumstances (for example, if the woman’s partner is soon to be posted abroad with the armed forces), induction may be considered at or after 40 weeks. 

When planning induction of labour think about indication and aim for weekday delivery for Diabetics, BMI ≥ 40, Twins, severe underlying medical conditions, High anaesthetic risk, VBAC (ARM only) or any VBAC with Consultant sanctioned use of PG. If weekend delivery unavoidable ensure all relevant staff aware of patient. 

Method of IOL

Primigravida  and Parous Women (excluding those withprevious CS)

  • Review Case Notes and establish plan
  • Confirm cephalic presentation and FH activity. If in doubt ultrasound by trained medical staff.
  • Prostaglandins should be used in preference to ARM and Syntocinon in both prims & parous women with intact membranes, regardless of their cervical favourability.
  • Dinoprostone (Prostin ®) 3mgs vaginal tablets is the induction agent of choice
  • If the cervix is favourable for an ARM after a single dose of Prostin ® an ARM should be performed, otherwise a further dose of Prostin ® should be given. Appropriately trained midwives can administer these.

Women who are not suitable for amniotomy after 2 doses of dinoprostone.

  1. Remember to check patient has not had previous treatment to her cervix (e.g. cold coagulation). Occasionally insertion of a digit through the cervix is required to break down adhesions caused by such treatment.

  2. A further 3mg of prostin - note that this is outwith the Manufacturer's recommendations but acceptable in GGC on basis of peer practice/consensus. This may be administered by a suitably trained midwife.
    Note  Amniotomy is usually possible if the cervix admits a finger. Examining a patient on a Labour Ward couch, with or without lithotomy position may facilitate this.

  3. Mechanical induction with a Foley's balloon catheter. Technique - a 12 Fg Foley's balloon is inserted aseptically through the cervical os and the balloon inflated with 10ml sterile sodium chloride 0.9% for inj.  and 30ml sterile sodium chloride 0.9% for inj. injected through the lumen into the extra amniotic space. The inflated balloon should be left in situ until the next day, or until the balloon falls out.

  4. If amniotomy is not possible then the patient should be discussed with a senior Obstetrician (Consultant or ST7) and depending on the reason for IOL, offered:
    a) 24 hours “rest” and then re-start prostaglandin.
    b) Caesarean Section
  • Amniotomy should be performed prior to commencement of Syntocinon infusion.

  • Oxytocin (Syntocinon ®) should not be started within 6 hours following administration of vaginal Prostaglandins.

Fetal surveillance and IOL

  • CTG facilities must be available.
  • Fetal wellbeing should be established immediately prior to administration of vaginal Prostaglandins by means of continuous CTG for 20 minutes.
  • Induction with Prostaglandins should only proceed if CTG is reassuring.
  • Fetal wellbeing should be observed by continuous CTG for 30 minutes following the insertion of vaginal Prostaglandins.
  • Following IOL with vaginal Prostaglandins, fetal wellbeing should be established once contractions are detected or reported or SROM occurs. This should be by initial CTG assessment and then intermittent monitoring in uncomplicated pregnancies. High risk pregnancies should have continuous CTG monitoring once regular uterine activity 
  • Where Oxytocin (Syntocinon ®) is used for induction or augmentation, continuous CTG monitoring should be used in all cases.

Women who decline IOL

Offer of induction declined from 42 weeks.

  • Initiate serial monitoring at 42 weeks in Day Care Unit
  • Measurement of single deepest pool of liquor and umbilical artery doppler
  • Twice weekly CTG
  • Senior Obstetric review

The above monitoring plan is “prognostic.” There is no evidence that monitoring can predict stillbirth in past date pregnancy and the patient must be informed about this. 

Advise delivery if monitoring abnormal.

Admissions procedure

  • All women should be admitted to the priming area on the day of Dinoprostone (Prostin ®) administration.
  • Checklist should be completed appropriately by the midwife in the low risk cases.
  • Confirm cephalic presentation. If in doubt – ultrasound by trained medical staff.
  • In high risk inductions the Middle Grade Obstetrician and Anaesthetist should be made aware of the relevant risks.
  • Anaesthetist should be alerted when high risk maternal conditions present. (See relevant list).
  • FBC should be taken if no sample within previous 4 weeks or if platelets <200.
  • Check Group B Strep status and have antibiotics prescribed if appropriate. (These should commence as soon as patient is in labour)
  • Healthy women with uncomplicated pregnancies should have vaginal Prostaglandins administered in the priming area. The ward staff should liaise with Labour Suite (LS) / Middle Grade Obstetrician regarding workload.
  • Women with recognised risk factors should be induced in an area appropriate to the particular risk after discussion with a Senior Obstetrician.
    • Previous CS
    • Recent APH
    • High parity ≥4
    • Any patient requiring a continuous CTG
    • AC <10th centile
    • Severe pre-eclampsia
    • SRM meconium not in labour
    • Twins
    • Severe asthma (previous hospitalisation or on oral steroids)
    • Oligohydramnios (deepest pool of liquor < 2cm)
    • Anaesthetic high risk patients
    • Any patients identified as high risk by a Consultant Obstetrician

Inductions on Antenatal Ward

  • Meals may be given as normal if CTG reassuring and not contracting regularly.
  • Appropriate analgesia should be offered.
  • Aim for transfer to LS by 8am the following morning for ARM.
  • Transfer to LS earlier if any concern regarding CTG or if labour becomes established (confirmed by cervical assessment).

Appendix on the Management of IOL Following Previous Caesarean Section (See VBAC policy)

Induction by any means is associated with an increased risk of uterine rupture. This risk is highest with PG induction.


  • Uterine scar of unknown type or upper segment scar
  • Placenta praevia
  • Fetal malpresentation
  • History of uterine rupture
  • Absolute cephalopelvic disproportion


  • Clinical discussion regarding the timing and method of IOL must take place at Consultant level after cervical assessment
  • A clear management plan including method of induction should be made and documented in the casenotes.
  • This management plan should take into account cervical findings
  • IOL in the presence of an unfavourable cervix requires careful consideration – appropriate alternatives may include elective Caesarean section or later review in anticipation of spontaneous labour or cervical ripening
  • The Middle Grade Obstetrician on-call should be aware of the patient’s presence on the labour ward
  • A venflon should be in place and blood sent for FBC and G&S IF Consultant has sanctioned use of vaginal PG,  Vaginal Prostaglandins (Prostin tablets 3mgs) should be administered at 10pm and the cervix reassessed by the Registrar at 6am.  One further dose of Prostin (3mgs) could then be given, but careful consideration of the clinical situation is essential
  • Difficult ARM is to be avoided
  • Syntocinon may be initiated following ARM, but should not be started within 6 hours of Prostin, as this may lead to uterine hypertonus. (Syntocinon should be prescribed by the Registrar on-call).
  • The use of Syntocinon should always be cautious (refer to Syntocinon and VBAC guidelines)
  • CTG should be commenced 20 minutes prior to assessment and continue for at least 30 minutes afterwards. Continuous EFM is indicated from the onset of uterine activity following ARM and during administration of IV Syntocinon
  • Adequate progress in labour should be confirmed by VE at least 4 hourly/or as indicated and advice sought if there is deviation from expected progress
  • The decision to deliver by emergency CS should be made at Consultant level
  • The casenotes should contain full and accurate documentation of events
  • This is a GUIDELINE – flexibility in individual cases is inevitable, but management decisions should occur at senior level where possible and be clearly documented.

Pre-labour ROM at Term (>37 weeks gestation) FollowingPrevious CS:

If trial of vaginal delivery has been agreed:

  • Exclude malpresentation
  • Offer options as usual in pre-labour SROM, i.e Immediate IOL or IOL after 24 hours, in which case patient should remain as in-patient
  • Perform baseline VE prior to IOL
  • IOL method of choice is IV Syntocinon

MULTIGRAVIDA (no previous CS) – Low and high risk (flowchart)

Maximum 3mg Prostin each dose  (three doses total) in all cases (see text).

PRIMIGRAVIDA - Low and high risk (flowchart)

Maximum 3mg Prostin each dose  (three doses total) in all cases

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 29/08/2017

Next review date: 31/07/2023

Author(s): Katie McBride.

Version: 2

Approved By: Obstetrics Clinical Governance Group

Document Id: 562