There has been an explosion of research supporting the delivery of mindfulness approaches, however, the quality of the research can be variable. We would therefore encourage people to carefully question some claims that are made whilst retaining their curiosity for the development of further evidence exploring this field. Two centres we have found have produced some excellent research are:  

The Centre For Mindfulness Research and Practice: Bangor University has a wealth of resources and guidance. They have established themselves as one of the leading centres producing evidenced based research within the UK to support the development and application of mindfulness based approaches. 

University of Oxford Mindfulness Centre: Their mission 'is to prevent depression and enhance human potential across the lifespan through the therapeutic use of mindfulness'. They have an established record of producing evidenced based research including key papers supporting the development and application of mindfulness based approaches.

Research within Greater Glasgow and Clyde NHS: Greater Glasgow and Clyde NHS board has established links with a number of Universities. We have been supported to conduct research to explore the impact of mindfulness programmes delivered within the board with patients and staff, adherence to SIGN 114 pathway : Non Pharmacological Treatment of Depression, as well as the internal training pathways for health professionals training to become mindfulness therapists ( teachers). We will be publishing these in this section soon and hope that these may be useful to you ( Updated 18-02-2020).