First prescription, documentation, and follow up



  • Complete the full visit history should be completed / updated on NaSH.
  • Give written method information to client, including:
    • information about actions after missed pills, ring or patch
    • a contact number.
  • Record prescription on NaSH.
  • Nurse supplying where appropriate under patient group direction.
  • Consider notifying GP of prescription, if permission is given for correspondence.

First prescription

At first prescription of CHC, all women should be informed that CHC use is safe for the majority but can be associated with rare but serious harms. Discuss the risks, benefits and side effects mentioned above.

Follow up

Return visit

  • Women should be encouraged to attend their GP for follow up and ongoing supply of CHC.
  • A 12 month supply (except for NuvaRing) may be issued to clients at the initial visit, and thereafter provided no problems have been identified.
  • Nuvaring must be used within 4 months after dispensing. Clients should therefore only be issued with a 3 month supply at any visit. Even with extended use, no more than one box of 3 rings can be issued at one time.

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 31/05/2022

Next review date: 31/05/2024

Author(s): West of Scotland Managed Clinical Network for Sexual Health Clinical Guidelines Group.

Version: 7.1

Approved By: West of Scotland Managed Clinical Network for Sexual Health