Levonorgestrel Intrauterine Device LNG-IUD

Users of the Mirena 52mg LNG-IUD can now be advised that the device can be used as contraception for 8 years. This also applies to individuals who already have a device in-situ. 
There are no changes to the established FSRH and British Menopause Society recommended duration of use when a Mirena 52mg LNG-IUD is being used for endometrial protection as part of HRT (5 years from time of insertion) or to existing guidance about duration of use of Mirena for heavy menstrual bleeding. 
Currently there is no change to the recommendations for the other LNG-IUDs

What’s new

This guideline is in keeping with the FSRH Clinical Guideline: Intrauterine contraception (March 2023)]. https://www.fsrh.org/documents/ceuguidanceintrauterinecontraception/

The terminology used throughout has been updated to align with that used by other international organisations, and LNG devices are now referred to as LNG-IUDs.

This guideline does not cover immediate post partum IUC provision.

Information on the following has been updated

  • Efficacy 
  • Duration of use
  • Suitability of intrauterine contraception in specific populations
  • Health risks
  • Starting LNG-IUD contraception or switching from another hormonal contraceptive method


IUC intrauterine contraception

IUD intrauterine device

LNG-IUD levonorgestrel intrauterine device

UKMEC United Kingdom Medical Eligibility Criteria

Other abbreviations have been defined within the body of the document.

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