  • Enteral feeding volume can be included in the total volume when they are being tolerated beyond trophic amounts (ie. ≥30ml/kg/day) which means the aqueous PN rate should be reduced accordingly.
  • Start enteral vitamins when infant is on 90ml/kg milk as vitamin intake will be low due to reduced lipid volume.
  • If a PN regimen contains electrolyte additions, consider if this needs to be continued enterally as PN is weaned to a smaller volume. g. sodium supplements.  Discuss with the pharmacist if needed.
  • When enteral feeds reach 120ml/kg/day, consider stopping PN

Reducing lipid

When enteral nutrition volume is:

Reduce SMOF lipid solution dose to:


0.75ml/kg/hour (3g/kg)


0.50ml/kg/hour (2g/kg)


0.25ml/kg/hour (1g/kg)

Once on >120ml/kg/day milk

Review weight gain & consider stopping lipid

This guidance may not apply to babies with high output stomas / babies whose growth is of concern - please discuss with dietitian/ pharmacist as required.

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 01/10/2022

Next review date: 01/10/2032

Author(s): Hester Blair, Caroline O'Hare, Angela Davidson, David Quine, Clare Abbott-Smith.