NIRS (03) quick guide 3 - using the monitor


To silence a sounding alarm, click the alarm icon   located in the top left hand corner of the 03 display window.

Alarm limits are displayed under the rSO2 reading and are automatically set to lower 63% and upper 86%.

To change alarm limits, click on the rS02 value. This will take you directly to the settings options for the parameter.

Select the appropriate limits and confirm selection by pressing ok.

 Press the home button to return to the home page.


Viewing window

To customise the viewing window by either lengthening or shortening the display, use the - or + icons located in the bottom right hand corner of the 03 monitor.



We can capture screen shots of key moments. These can be downloaded to view later. To capture the live image for a screen shot, use 3 fingers to swipe across the screen, when successful you will see the screen flash.

 Examples of moments for screen shot:

  • Pre/post significant interventions; suctioning ETT, repositioning, cares
  • Decrease in Sp0₂
  • Apnoea
  • Drop in blood pressure

Event flagging

To highlight and flag key events/interventions, click the icon  located in the bottom left of the home screen.  A Manual events window will open.

 Flag the event prior to intervention to highlight any potential change in rS0₂ - see list to locate commonly used events in NNU.

 The flag will appear as a purple line on the home screen.


Index for event flags - where to find events from manual events menu



  • Miscellaneous
  • Set baseline
  • Enteral feeding
  • Extubated/Intubated
  • Bag mask ventilation
  • Conventional vent
  • High frequency vent
  • Position change
  • Sensor change
  • Weight patient


  • Anti-arrhythmic
  • Anti-epileptic
  • Blood transfusion/platelets
  • Fluid Bolus
  • Hypothermia
  • Nitric Oxide On/Off
  • NG Tube In/Out
  • Paralytic
  • PDA Ligated
  • Prostaglandin
  • OR procedure bedside
  • Sedation
  • Suction ET Tube
  • Vasopressor
  • Ventilator change/BMV
  • Whole Body Cooling


  • Apnoea
  • Arrhythmia
  • Cardiac arrest/CPR
  • Seizure




  • Bradycardia
  • ICP changes
  • Painful procedure
  • Tamponade


  • Diuretic
  • High frequency vent
  • Inotrope
  • Vasopressor

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 06/07/2023

Author(s): Helen Turner.