Guideline for transferring a baby to the hospital mortuary following a neonatal death



To ensure the baby is transported in a safe and dignified manner directly to the hospital mortuary from the Neonatal Unit (NNU). 

Principles of care

  • Family support 
  • Safe and dignified transfer of a baby following death 
  • Clear communication between the neonatal staff, mortuary staff and families 
  • Clear documentation 


Pram with privacy net attached and or an individual Moses basket. 

NNU paperwork required for the transfer

  • Neonatal Unit Transfer Checklist. See transfer checklist. 
  • Notification form “care of deceased patients” completed by medical staff and placed in envelope 
  • Mortuary identification card 


Monday – Friday 08.00-16.30 (Mortuary closes between 13.00 & 14.00)


  • Transferring a baby to the mortuary is a two person procedure. 
  • All Band 6 and 7 nursing staff now have access to the mortuary out of hours using their own ID badge (be sure to take this with you) 
  • If parents wish to accompany you, offer them the choice to push their baby in the pram as this may be the only time they get to do this. 
  • Ensure baby is wearing 2 name bands. 
  • Wrap the baby in their blanket. 
  • Securely tuck baby into the pram with accompanying personal items. 
  • If a Moses basket is to be used, this can be placed into the pram for transfer. 
  • Attach privacy net to pram. 
  • Take the lift to the ground floor and follow directions to the mortuary. See map.  
  • If parents are in attendance, use brown side door entrance to mortuary the opportunity to say goodbye in private should be given. When they are ready to leave, one nurse can accompany them back to the NNU if they are returning. The other nurse should stay and complete the transfer of the baby to the mortuary staff and then return the pram to NNU.  
  • The transfer of the baby to the mortuary staff involves checking name bands and confirming that the items listed on the checklist are present. Any personal parental requests should be communicated and documented on the transfer checklist by the neonatal nurse and mortuary staff member. 
  • The baby will then be placed by the mortuary staff in the identified fridge either in the Moses basket or be transferred into a mortuary box. 


Procedure for out of hours 


  • Transferring a baby to the mortuary out of hours is a two person procedure. However if parents are accompanying, ideally 3 staff are required. 
  • Telephone the porters on ext 24242 to inform them that there is a baby for transfer to the mortuary and arrange a time to meet them at the mortuary entrance. Porters are required to provide the access to the mortuary only. 
  • If parents are accompanying, you offer them the choice to push their baby in the pram as this may be the only time they get to do this. 
  • Ensure baby is wearing 2 name bands. 
  • Wrap the baby in their blanket. 
  • Securely tuck baby into the pram with accompanying personal items. 
  • If a Moses basket is to be used, this can be placed into the pram for transfer. 
  • Attach privacy net to pram. 
  • Take the lift to the ground floor and follow directions to the mortuary. See map.  
  • If parents are in attendance, use brown side door entrance to mortuary the opportunity to say goodbye in private should be given. When they are ready to leave, one nurse can accompany them back to the NNU if they are returning. The other two nurses should stay and complete the transfer. 
  • Baby should be placed into identified fridge numbered 1-4, either in their Moses basket or transferred into a mortuary box along with all their personal items.  
  • Place completed checklist and paperwork in the Perspex document holder situated on the designated neonatal workstation/ trolley. 
  • Write baby’s name on mortuary whiteboard in corresponding fridge space 
  • Email mortuary to let them know the date the baby was transferred and the location within the mortuary fridge: LHBMortuary/ 


Viewing of baby by parents after transfer to the mortuary

The parents may wish to view their baby again and this can be accommodated within the NNU or the mortuary viewing room. The timing has to be prearranged with the mortuary staff.  

Viewing in the neonatal unit

  • Agree a suitable time for the viewing to take place with both mortuary staff and parents. Arrange to collect the baby from the mortuary approximately one hour before the agreed time, to allow staff time to prepare for the viewing.
  • Prepare the cuddle cot and ensure it is set to reach 8 degrees centigrade before collecting the baby. 
  • The room can be prepared using the battery operated candles and CD player for quiet music. 
  • To collect the baby from the mortuary, use the pram and privacy net. Out of hours, telephone the Portering service on ext 24242 to arrange access to the mortuary. 
  • Sign baby out of the mortuary using checklist located in the Perspex document holder situated on the designated neonatal workstation/trolley and check all personal items remain present.  
  • The check list remains in the mortuary. 

Viewing in the mortuary

Viewing will not take place in the mortuary out of hours. 

  • A mutually convenient time needs to be agreed between the parents and mortuary staff. This allows time to have the baby ready for viewing. 
  • A member of the neonatal team must be present in the mortuary for the duration of the viewing (not necessarily in the room at all times). 

Returning to the mortuary

  • Baby should be placed into fridge drawers numbered 1-4 either in their Moses basket or transferred into a mortuary box along with all their personal items and any changes to parental requests documented.  
  • Update the sign in sheet on the checklist, located in the Perspex document holder situated on the designated neonatal workstation/ trolley. 

Map to the mortuary from NNU


Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 05/07/2023

Next review date: 05/07/2033

Author(s): C Abbott-Smith, R Nichol, E Rodger.