Huntlyburn Ward for relatives and carers


NHS Borders 

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"Information given on this site is not meant to take the place of a talk with your doctor or health worker."

About Huntlyburn Ward

Huntlyburn Ward is an acute adult in-patient unit with 19 beds for people aged 18-69 with mental health problems.   At times we may care for people out with this range if required to deliver person centred care.  Huntlyburn offers specialist care to patients during an acute phase of their illness.   Patient's length of stay varies but most people are likely to be with us for about 2 to 3 weeks.

Our dedicated team is led by, and made up of: 

  • charge nurses 
  • staff nurses 
  • health care support workers 
  • physiotherapist 
  • occupational therapist 

The team also has input when it is needed from social work 

Staff on the ward wear uniforms and are easily identifiable.   If you wish to speak to a particular member of staff, please ask at the main ward office, however you will have a keyworker who will introduce themselves on a daily basis. 

The team works together to provide quality all round care.   We do this in a safe and secure ward that promotes physical and mental wellbeing.  

We provide: 

  • psychiatric assessment 
  • treatment, and 
  • discharge planning 

Admission to Hospital

People are referred to the ward by: 

  • community mental health teams 
  • psychiatric liaison - people assessed and referred by the BGH 
  • Borders Crisis Team (BCT) 

Overnight referrals are co-ordinated by a night charge nurse. 

We also provide detoxification for people with drug and/or alcohol problems.   This service is only offered after assessment and consultation with the Borders Addiction Service. 

When your relative, or the person you care for, is admitted to the ward, it can be a very stressful time for everyone.   Staff are aware of this and will try to minimise any concerns and anxieties you may have and can make a referral to the carers service for you.   The carer's service provides an opportunity to discuss your rights as a carer, your caring situation, and the sort of help you may need with any caring responsibilities. 

For some people Huntlyburn is not the only option.   They may be able to use services in the community.   Care and treatment at home can now be offered to many of those who are acutely ill. 

Staying in Hospital

Most people in the ward are here informally.   This means that they are generally free to leave if they wish. 

There are also patients who are very ill to the extent that: 

  • they do not have insight into their illness 
  • they refuse to have inpatient treatment, and/or 
  • may present risks to themselves or to others 

Under these circumstances, detention under a Section of the Mental Health (Scotland) Act 2003 will be considered in the best interests of the patient.    Ask a member of staff if you would like more information about the commonly used Sections. 

People with mental health problems vary in how long it takes them to recover.   Some may be in hospital longer than most other hospital stays.   This will depend on their illness. 

In exceptional circumstances the ward team will have to physically restrain patients to maintain the safety of other patients, staff and visitors to the ward.   We may also have to do this to assist patients in taking their medication. If you have any concerns, worries or you have witnessed this please do not hesitate to discuss this further with a member of the team.  

The ward team work hard to care for people and to ensure that every patient feels safe within the ward environment. 

Care and treatment 

Your relative will have key workers who will be responsible for overseeing his or her care whilst in hospital.  If your relative agrees they will also keep you informed.   You can ask them for: 

  • support and advice 
  • information on medicines, treatment and illness 

Patients are now encouraged to bring their own medications with them from home and these will be dispensed on the ward. 

Patients will also be allocated a named nurse for each of the morning, afternoon and night shifts who will provide 1:1 time and ongoing support to patients.  You may further discuss any issues with the community mental health team which key workers can arrange with you. 

Care planning - The team, together with the patient, work in partnership to identify specific recovery focused care plans whilst in hospital.  This is really important and formalises the basis of patients stay in hospital and identifies which treatments are best suited to the person.  These will be reviewed on a regular basis.   Patients can choose to retain a copy of their care plans or may give a copy to a relative or carer. 

Ward assessments and reviews 

The consultant psychiatrist and/or the team doctor meet with each patient weekly.   These meetings are called ward assessments and reviews.   They are held to: 

  • monitor the patient's progress 
  • share information about care and treatment and the patient's response to this 
  • discuss possible changes in medicines, or 
  • arrange passes for time off the unit 

As a carer you will be able to be at the assessment.   You can arrange for someone, such as an advocate or nurse, to be there with you. 

Ward Routine 

All meals are provided on the ward and patients are given a menu daily to choose their meals for the following day.  The ward caters for all specialist dietary requirements. 

Your relative will be encouraged to take part in the ward programme.  This contains both educational and social or leisure activities.   Activities are discussed and agreed upon daily with patients at a community group called ?Positive Steps' or individually with nursing staff. 

Additionally the ward has a: 

  • gymnasium 
  • multi-purpose/aromatherapy room and qualified aromatherapist to prescribe blends and offer massage 
  • family room with pool table, table tennis and television 
  • activity room with access to art and craft materials, games, etc. 
  • self-catering kitchen/laundry facilities 
  • Cordless phone for patient use 
  • allotment area facilitating our 'space to Grow' gardening project 

We can also offer supervised access to computers and to the Internet at nursing staff discretion. 

Additional Information 

Visiting times 

Visiting is daily between 2.30-4.30pm and 6.30-8.30pm.   This is flexible for those travelling from a distance or with rigid working hours.  The ward is closed to visitors each Wednesday between 10.30am and 2.30pm which is allocated as ?protected time'.   This is to allow staff and patients to spend time together with no interruptions. 


NHS Borders operates a no smoking policy which staff and visitors must adhere to at all times.  Patients however may smoke in the outside courtyard area during their in-patient stay. 

Going home

During your relative's stay, plans will be made for going home.   These will be discussed with all involved to make the transition from hospital to home as smooth as possible.   Patients should arrange their own transport home. 

Confidentiality, benefits, and personal property


It may be helpful to know that staff will wish to keep you fully informed about your relative's care however they can only do this if he or she gives consent for them to do so.   Confidentiality therefore means that staff are not always able to share information but they are available to listen to your concerns and lend support at any time. 

It may be helpful to know that staff will wish to keep you fully informed about your relative's care however they can only do this if he or she gives consent for them to do so.   Confidentiality therefore means that staff are not always able to share information but they are available to listen to your concerns and lend support at any time. 


When a person is in hospital their benefits may be affected.   This depends on how long they are in hospital.   If you would like more information about this, please contact the Welfare Benefits office [number below].   A welfare benefits officer is also available to see patients on the ward by appointment. 

Personal property 

NHS Borders cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to a patient or visitor's property except for money or small valuables handed over for safekeeping, for which a receipt has been given.   We can keep some money for each patient in the ward safe and patients also have access to a personal safe in each bedroom, but where possible large sums and valuables should be left at home. 

Staff will attempt to contact patients if clothing/valuables are left behind or request that a team member collects the item for return to the patient.   If unclaimed these will be disposed of after 7 days. 

Useful contact numbers

Huntlyburn Ward 

01896 82 71 81 

East Brig 

01896 66 44 22 

Borders Addiction Service (Galashiels) 

01896 66 44 30 

East Team 

01361 88 21 62 

South Team 

01450 36 43 14 

West Team 

01896 82 72 70 

NHS 24 

08454 24 24 24 

Learning Disabilities Team 

01896 82 45 82 

Mental Health for Older Adults 

01896 82 71 31 

Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 

01750 23 39 2 

Social Work Services 

01896 82 73 00 

Welfare Benefits 

01896 66 13 94 

Homeless Team 

01835 86 51 80 

Galashiels Resource Centre 

01896 75 03 49 

Hawick Day Unit (Dean View) 

01450 37 75 15 

Community Support Project (Eyemouth) 

01890 75 15 43 

New Horizons Borders 

01896 75 55 10 

Scottish Association for Mental Health (SAMH) 

01896 75 97 46 

Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance 

01312 60 53 80 

Borders Independent Advocacy Service (BIAS) 

01896 75 22 00 

Self help services

The Princess Royal Trust Borders Carers Centre 

If you are a carer, your local Carers' Centre may be able to help make things easier for you.  Each centre delivers a wide range of local support services to meet the needs of carers in its community.  These range from support services catered to the carer, the needs of the person you care for and the services your council may provide. 

Carers have different needs and centres can assist you in information regarding health issues, entitlements, mobility, grants for holidays, equipment and support. 

Phone: 01896 752 431 



Bipolar Scotland 

Galashiels Bipolar Self Help Group meets every 2nd Monday and is open to people with bipolar disorder and their families, friends and carers from anywhere in the Borders.  Meetings are held in New Horizons Borders, Unit 10b Galabank Mill, Galashiels TD1 1PR.  No need for referral. 

Opening Hours: Gala Self-Help Group meets 5.30-7pm 

Phone: 01415 60 20 50 Email: Website: 


Borderline is a confidential help-line for people with mental health needs across the Scottish Borders.  It offers emotional and listening support for people who are bereaved, depressed, anxious, lonely, isolated or distressed. 

Opening Hours: Mon - Fri 7:00pm-10:00pm; Sat - Sun 6:00pm-10:00pm 

Phone: (Freephone) 0800 027 44 66  

Hearing Voices Network 

If you hear voices, the Hearing Voice Network can help.  We offer information, support and understanding to people who hear voices and those who support them. 

Phone: 01142 71 82 10 Email: Website: 


We know a lot about what can help you through tough times.  We can help you explore your options, understand your problems better, or just be there to listen.  It doesn't matter who you are, how you feel, or what has happened.  If you feel that things are getting to you, get in touch. 

Phone: 08457 90 90 90 Email: 


Breathing Space 

Anyone can feel down or depressed from time to time.  You are not alone and talking about how you feel is a positive first step in getting help.  So don't let problems get out of hand, phone Breathing Space where experienced advisors will listen and provide information and advice. 

Opening Hours: Mon-Thurs 6pm-2am; Fri-Sun 6pm-6am 

Phone: 0800 83 85 87 Website: 

We Are With You 

Our aim is to transform the lives of people affected by drug and alcohol problems.  Not only do we help the individual recover from their dependency, but we also offer support to those closest to them.  Working with families and loved ones forms a major part of WAWY's treatment ethos. 

Phone: 01869 75 78 43 Website: 


We are here to support you to make informed choices.  We will listen to you and try to understand all the issues you are facing.  Then we will give you information that is relevant to you and your situation.  Our teams can send out printed information to you. 

Editorial Information

Next review date: 31/03/2026

Author(s): Macfarlane S.

Author email(s):

Approved By: Clinical Governance & Quality

Reviewer name(s): Macfarlane S.