Manage behavioural disturbance

Always look for and treat direct causes including pain, urinary retention, constipation, etc.  Where these interventions are ineffective or more rapid control is required to reduce the risk of harm to the patient and others, it may be necessary to move to pharmacological management earlier than would normally be considered.  Normally use the SIGN guidance (Pharmacological treatment section), but in more urgent situations refer to the NICE guidance on violence and aggression.

Medications that may be used in delirium


Single starting dose

Maximum dose in 24 hours*



0.5mg orally

0.5mg im

2mg orally

2mg im

Prolonged QTc interval in ECG

Signs of Parkinsonism or Lewy body dementia

When used with any medication that prolongs QT interval this is off-license


0.25mg orally

1mg in divided doses

Signs of Parkinsonism or Lewy body dementia

Not licensed in delirium

Lorazepam if antipsychotics are contraindicated

0.5mg orally

0.5mg-1mg im

2mg orally

2mg im

Caution in renal impairment

Not licensed in delirium

*unless on the specific advice of a specialist, e.g. mental health liaison.

**note the BNF max dose for haloperidol is 5mg in 24 hrs, but we would suggest a more conservative approach with max 2mg in 24 hours in the first instance. Where higher dosages are required please seek specialist advice.

Some recommendations may be for medicines prescribed outwith the marketing authorisation (MA) also known as product licence. This is known as ‘off-label’ use.’  Haloperidol is only licensed when used without other drugs that prolong the QT interval (SIGN guideline2, NICE delirium guideline6).

Monitor for side effects of tranquilisers

If patients are treated using the NICE rapid tranquillisation interventions, please monitor for side effects, vital signs, hydration level and consciousness at least every hour until there are no further concerns about the person’s physical health.

Be mindful of the use of benzodiazepines with respiratory depression

In older adults note the British National Formulary maximum dosage for haloperidol is 5mg in 24 hrs, but we would suggest a more conservative approach with maximum 2mg in 24 hours in the first instance. Where higher dosages are required please seek specialist advice.

Note the usual guidance of caution with use of medication in older people, and especially certain medications in people with Parkinson’s disease or dementia with Lewy bodies (eg antipsychotic medication).

Use medication in older people with caution

Note the usual guidance of caution with use of medication in older people, and especially certain medications in people with Parkinson’s disease or dementia with Lewy bodies (eg antipsychotic medication).