Levodopa and dopa-decarboxylase inhibitors (Formulary)

Important: Supplementary notes

Available preparations containing levodopa and dopa-decarboxylase inhibitors

Generic name Brand name Drug components Comments
Levodopa Benserazide Carbidopa Entacapone
Co-beneldopa Madopar® 62·5 caps 50mg 12·5mg -- -- A generic product is not available, but, generic prescribing is preferred.
Prescribers should take care with what they prescribe.
Madopar® 125 caps 100mg 25mg -- --
Madopar® 250 caps 200mg 50mg -- --
Madopar® dispersible tabs 50mg 12·5mg -- --
100mg 25mg -- --
Madopar® CR 100mg 25mg --  
Co-careldopa Co-careldopa 10/100 tabs 100mg -- 10mg -- The total daily dose of carbidopa should be at least 70mg. A lower dose may not achieve full inhibition of extracerebral dopa-decarboxylase, with a resultant increase in adverse effects.
Co-careldopa 25/100 tabs 100mg -- 25mg --
Co-careldopa 25/250 tabs 250mg -- 25mg --
Sinemet®-62·5 tabs 50mg -- 12·5mg --
Sinemet®-110 tabs 100mg -- 10mg --
Sinemet®-Plus tabs 100mg -- 25mg --
Sinemet®-275 tabs 250mg -- 25mg --
Half Sinemet® CR tabs 100mg -- 25mg --
Sinemet® CR tabs 200mg -- 50mg --
Carbidopa with entacapone and levo-dopa Stanek® 50/12·5/200 50mg -- 12·5mg 200mg (Stanek® is equivalent to Stalevo®)
Only 1 tablet of Stanek® for each dose, to limit the amount of entacapone taken. Maximum 10 tablets daily.
Stanek® 100/25/200 100mg -- 25mg 200mg
Stanek® 150/37·5/200 150mg -- 37·5mg 200mg
Stanek® 200/50/200
200mg -- 50mg 200mg


CO-BENELDOPA - (First line)

Important: Therapy notes

Important: Formulation and dosage details


Capsules (benserazide/levodopa) (Madopar®) 12·5/50, 25/100, 50/200 (in mg) (s)


Initially 62·5mg 3 to 4 times daily, increase according to response.

Important: Formulation and dosage details


Dispersible tablets 12·5/50, 25/100 (mg) (s)


Initially 62·5mg 3 to 4 times daily, increase according to response.

Important: Formulation and dosage details


Modified release capsules (Madopar® CR) 25/100 (mg) (s)


Initially 62·5mg 3 to 4 times daily, increase according to response.

CO-CARELDOPA - (Second line)

Important: Therapy notes

  • Note: When using co-careldopa, the total daily dose of carbidopa should be at least 70mg. A lower dose may not achieve full inhibition of peripheral dopa-decarboxylase, with a resultant increase in side-effects. Therefore, Sinemet-110® is not usually recommended for initiation of therapy.

Important: Formulation and dosage details


Tablets (carbidopa/levodopa) (Sinemet®) 12·5/50, 10/100, 25/100, 25/250 (in mg) (s)


Initially 62·5mg 3 to 4 times daily, increased according to response.

Important: Formulation and dosage details


Modified release tablets (Half Sinemet® CR) 25/100, (Sinemet® CR) 50/200 (in mg) (s)


Initially 62·5mg 3 to 4 times daily, increased according to response.

Editorial Information

Document Id: F091