Skin cleansers and antiseptics (Formulary)

For information on the use of skin cleansers and antiseptics refer to the NHS Scotland National Infection Prevention and Control Manual, the MRSA Policy and other Infection Control Policies.   Also refer to emollients for hand eczema and emollient bath additives with antiseptics listed in Emollient and barrier preparations.


Important: Therapy notes

NPSA alert re inadvertent oral administration

Important: Formulation and dosage details


Tablets for cutaneous solution 400mg


BAD (British Association of Dermatology guidance recommendations:


In primary care:

  • ensure patients are not on repeat prescriptions for potassium permanganate
  • prescriptions to include clear instructions to dilute before use
  • dispensing label to include the warning ‘HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED’.

In secondary care:

  • to be supplied on a named patient basis only
  • to be prescribed as ‘potassium permanganate 0.01% topical solution’ and the dispensing label must include the warning ‘HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED’
  • potassium permanganate is not to be stored with medicines for oral/internal use, including the ward drug trolley; dilution should occur away from the patient, and neither the concentrated form or the diluted form, should be left near the patient.

All settings:

Editorial Information

Document Id: F141