Interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome (Formulary)

Intravesical preparations such as sodium hyaluronate (Cystistat®) or hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate (iAluRil®) are useful in the treatment of painful bladder syndrome.  Initiation of treatment is restricted to urologists or specialist urology nurses. Where patients are stable, treatment may be continued in primary care with regular review by specialist urology nurses.


Important: Therapy notes

MHRA advice: Elmiron (pentosan polysulfate sodium): rare risk of pigmentary maculopathy (September 2019) (

Important: Formulation and dosage details


Capsules (Elmiron®) 100mg (hospital use only)


As per SMC 2194.
Homecare is the preferred option - contact


Patients should have an eye examination by an optometrist 6 months after commencing therapy, then annually if aged over 60, or every two years if aged 16-60 (or as otherwise instructed by their optometrist).  This is to identify pigmentary maculopathy, which has been rarely reported with the use of pentosan polysulfate sodium.  In such situations, treatment cessation should be considered and patients referred back to urology.

Editorial Information

Document Id: F244