Pre-operative indications for echocardiography



  • All NHSH 
  • Secondary Care only 
  • Adults only 

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Preoperative indications for echocardiography

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  • Abnormal ECG 
    LBBB, LVH with strain (anterolateral ST depression +/- T inversion) or pathological Q waves are predictive of LVSD. 
    If there has been no change in 12-lead ECG Since the last echo, a clinically relevant change in LV function is very unlikely.  
  • Newly detected AF 
    Preoperative echo is not routinely indicated, if there are no symptoms or signs of heart failure
  • Biomarkers
    Hs-cTnI or NT-proBNP can be measured in high-risk cases to stratify the risk of perioperative death and CV complications 
  • Valves 
    Echo surveillance interval depends on severity of valve disease on last echo; at discretion of cardiology/echo department.  

Simple congenital1

  • Eg: surgically repaired ASD and VSD with normal post-op echo.

Complex congenital2

  • More complex congenital cardiac pathology such as Tetralogy of Fallot or Transposition of the great arteries. 
  • Suggest discussion with Cardiologist in this patient group if Consultant Anaesthetist has concerns. 

Surgical risk estimate according to type of surgery or intervention 

Low-risk: < 1% Intermediate-risk: 1 to 5%  High-risk: > 5%
  • Superficial surgery
  • Breast 
  • Dental
  • Endocrine: thyroid
  • Eye
  • Reconstructive 
  • Carotid: asymptomatic (CEA or CAS) 
  • Gynaecology: minor
  • Orthopaedic: minor (meniscectomy)
  • Urological: minor (TURP) 


  • Intraperitoneal splenectomy, hiatal hernia repair, cholecystectomy
  • Carotid: symptomatic (CEA or CAS)
  • Peripheral arterial angioplasty
  • Endovascular aneurysm repair 
  • Head and neck surgery 
  • Neurological or orthopaedic: major (hip and spine surgery) 
  • Urological or gynaecological: major 
  • Renal transplant 
  • Intra-thoracic: non-major 


  • Aortic and major vascular surgery 
  • Open lower limb revascularisation or amputation or thromboembolectomy 
  • Duodeno-pancreatic surgery 
  • Liver resection, bile duct surgery 
  • Oesophagectomy 
  • Repair of perforated bowel
  • Adrenal resection 
  • Total cystectomy
  • Pneumonectomy 
  • Pulmonary or liver transplant 
  • Surgical risk estimate is a broad approximation of 30-day risk of cardiovascular death and myocardial infarction that takes into account only the specific surgical intervention, without considering the patient's comorbidities.
  • Sourced from ESC/ESA guidelines on non cardiac surgery: cardiovascular assessment and management and adapted from Grace et al.


Abbreviation  Meaning 
ASD  atrial septal defect 
CAS  carotid 
CEA  carotid endarterectomy 
CXR  chest x-ray
CVD  cardiovascular disease 
ECG  echocardiogram 
Hs-cTnI high sensitivity cardiac troponin I
LBBB left bundle branch block
LVH  left ventricular hypertrophy 
LVSD  left ventricular systolic dysfunction 
NT-proBNP n-terminal pro b-type natriuretic peptide 
VSD  ventricular septal defect 


Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 14/03/2024

Next review date: 31/03/2027

Author(s): Anaesthetic Department .

Version: 1

Reviewer name(s): Christopher Attwood, Senior Echocardiographer .

Document Id: TAM627

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