Stable Angina Management (Guidelines)


TAM feedback form
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British Heart Foundation Angina booklet

Referrals to the RACPC can be made either through CCU directly or via SCI gateway

Further Information

For further more detailed information please see European Society of Cardiology (ESC) guidance: Management of Stable Coronary Artery Disease

Patient information can be accessed here.


Abbreviation Meaning
OPC Outpatient clinic
RACPC Rapid access chest pain clinic
GTN Glyceryl trinitrate
LVSD Left ventricular systolic dysfunction

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 29/04/2022

Next review date: 29/04/2025

Author(s): Department of Cardiology.

Version: 6

Approved By: TAM Subgroup of ADTC

Reviewer name(s): Dr Ja Watt, Consultant Cardiologist , C Bloe, Specialist Nurse Practitioner.

Document Id: TAM138