Ultrasound follow-up of gall bladder polyp (Guidelines)



  • All NHSH
  • Primary and Secondary Care
  • Adult and Paediatric


Polyp characteristics


Polyps less than 5 mm

No routine follow up

Polyps 5 to 10 mm 

Repeat scan in 6 months

Unchanged after 6 months

Repeat scan in 12 months

Still unchanged after 12 months

No follow up advised

Polyps appear to be fast growing after 6 months

Surgical referral

Polyps of 1 cm or more

Surgical referral


Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 11/05/2023

Next review date: 30/06/2026

Author(s): Radiology Department.

Version: 1

Approved By: Awaiting approval by the TAM subgroup of the ADTC

Reviewer name(s): Tracey Griffin, Team Lead, Ultrasound.

Document Id: TAM561

Internal URL: https://nhshighlands.azurewebsites.net/umbraco/#/content/content/edit/14847